Updated: 10th May 2024
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Welcome to my About Page. 😊
This page isn't a proper "about" page; it's really about the Greek food and language parts of my life. Here goes!
In 2002 I moved to Greece with my husband and our two daughters (one a baby and the other a toddler).
To say that I struggled to find a logical, time-efficient way to learn the language, is an understatement.
I wanted to be able to engage in a simple conversation without worrying about grammar or pronunciation, and without feeling self conscious.
I thought it might come naturally with all the exposure, or I'd find the right book or the right class or the right teacher.
I never found a program that worked for me.
I met countless other expats who were looking for the same thing and also hadn't found a solution.
After nearly twenty years in Greece, I decided to create the program I wish had existed when I moved to Greece.
I wanted it to be infused with food and music, to be fun, to be light.
To be a pleasure, to learn with others…
To serve:
Want to read more?
Blog posts ⬇️
My Journey to Learning the Language
Launching my Greek Language Course
My currently available and upcoming offers:
Updated: 10th May 2024